In Iran the ayatollah Suleymani Abbas-Ali is killed. It was the representative of the Supreme leader of the country Seyed Ali Khoseyni Khamenei

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In Iran it is killed 75 - the summer ayatollah Suleymani Abbas-Ali — the former representative of the Supreme leader Iran ayatollahs Seyed Ali Khoseyni Khamenei. About it reports agency to IRNA with reference to the deputy governor of Province of Mazandaran. Murder happened in the morning on April 26 in bank Babolsar the Iranian Province of Mazandaran. Shooting arrested, its motives while are unknown. Agency Tasnim published records from surveillance cameras on which it is visible that the man armed with the machine gun shot to the ayatollah at the head. Fire was opened by the employee of service of safety banks, reports information agency "Agence France-Presse" with reference to an ubernator and Mazandaran...