The leader of "Astana" Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko descended with "Tura Romandiya" because of Koronavirus

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Subscribe for sports news Kazakhstan and world the Kazakhstan bicycle racer acting as a part of "Astana" Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko was compelled to leave a multi-day race "Romandiya's Round" because of Koronavirus, reports. "Unfortunately, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko is compelled to descend with Tura Novels because of KOVID-19. It is obvious that already on Liege-Baston-Liege the illness started developing, without having allowed our leader to realize the excellent readiness. We wish to Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko the fastest restoration and return! ", - it is spoken in the message of the press service of "Astana". About others infected information is not present...