Soskin Oleg: China began process of delegitimization Ukraine

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The former adviser to the ex-president Ukraine Leonid Danilovich Kuchma Soskin Oleg commented on the statement of the ambassador China to France Lyu Shaye in interview to LCI TV channel that Republic of Crimea "initially was Russian" and that Americans are not interested in the conflict termination in Ukraine. Besides Lyu Shaye doubted the sovereignty of the countries of the former USSR as there is no international agreement which would concretize their status. "It is clear that it carries out the line which is given from Xi Jinping", - Soskin Oleg on air of the video blog told. "His statement means that delegitimization Ukraine on the international began...
Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Leonid Danilovich Kuchma
Last position: The representative of Ukraine in tripartite contact group on conflict settlement on Donbass
Soskin Oleg