To Republic of Buryatia started ornithological rounds on White lakes

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In the Borgoysky wildlife area passed the first ornithological round which gave start to interesting and fascinating ecotours in Dzhidinsky district. The Borgoysky wildlife area - a unique place. On salty lakes of the wildlife area more than three hundred species of various birds, including rare and Red Book species are fixed. It is a swan-klikun, a goose-sukhonos, a gray crane, a black stork, a besakovidny veretennik, the Mongolian lark, a white crane of daurskiya, a falcon-baloban, a belladonna, an eagle burial ground, Sapsan and others, writes information agency "Vostok-Teleinform" with reference to Minturizm Belarus. - Exactly here it is possible to see gripping show: as...