A ranking of banks Turkmenistan by number of POS terminals

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Baku / Trend/-State commercial "Daykhanbank" as of the beginning of April, 2023 became the leader on number of POS terminals in Turkmenistan, peredayetTrend with reference to Central bank Turkmenistan. According to information, at "Daykhanbank" of 8 970 POS terminals. On the second place on this indicator bank "Turkmenistan" (8 101), on the third - "Halkbank" (7 728). POS terminals "Daykhanbank" are installed generally in regions Turkmenistan. So, their most part is in Lebapskom (2 519), Maryysk (2 008) and Dashoguzsk (1 737) regions. For comparison: at two other leaders of a ranking - banks...