Ignitis and Ocean Winds received 2,3 billion euro credits for constructions the wind farm to United Kingdom

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Moscow. April 21. information agency "Interfaks" - the Sea wind farm of Moray West which build to United Kingdom Ignitis renewables (enters into the Lithuanian power concern Ignitis grupe) and the European company Ocean Winds, is provided with financing of 2 billion pounds sterling (2,269 billion euro), it is spoken in Ocean Winds message. Financing to the project provided 19 banks and the credit organizations from all over the world. "Though we are the minority shareholder the Moray West project, he allows Ignitis grupe to get experience in development area sea wind power. This knowledge and experience will be used for developments...
Ignitis grupė
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water