LLC "Management company "Kolmar" the brother of the governor headed again Kemerovo Region Valery Tsivilev

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Moscow. April 19. information agency "Interfaks" - Director general LLC "Management company "Kolmar" became Valery Tsivilev, having replaced at this position Ulanov Anton, EGRYuL data testify. Corresponding change happened on April 18. In "Kolmar's" press service personnel shifts do not make comments. Valery Tsivilev already was general director companies from March 22 to April 20, 2018. In September, 2022 he headed again company less than for a month. On October 27, 2022 it was replaced by the ex-head of large agroholdings of Ulanov Anton. Valery Tsivilev - the brother Sergei Tsivilev, leading company...