Shulyev Anatoly appointed by the main director Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova

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Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation: the main director Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova appointed Shulyev Anatoly information agency "RIA Novosti" the Main director Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova appointed Shulyev Anatoly. About it wrote information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to the press service Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The director theaters Kirill Krok and the director of the department of the state support of art and national creativity MINISTRY KULTURY Oksana Kosareva presented on April 18 Shulyev Anatoly to collective. As noted in the ministry message, the new main director is the winner of an award MINISTRY KULTURY "Young...