Be professionally courageous

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The founder and the managing partner LLC "Pepelyaev Group", the lawyer Sergei Pepelyaev gave interview to hosts "Conversation with the master" the video interview Project "Conversation with the master" is created by All-russian public organization "Federalny soyuz advokatov Russia" and Public organization "Mezhdunarodny Soyuz (Sodruzhestvo) advokatov" with support of AB "Yurlov i Partnery" and SEDLEX Bars in December, 2017. As information partners of the program act Lawyer Chamber of the Moscow region Non-commercial organization (further – APMO) and Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation". Let's remind that geroyempervy release of the project there was a member of Bar Association "Mosyurtsentr", the chairman of the board of veterans of APMO...