Soccer. Championship Belarus. Percent of realization of a penalty Savitsky Pawel — 94,7

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"Gomel" and "Neman" drew in a match of the 3rd round of national championship — 3:3. The forward of "Neman" Savitsky Pawel scored the 100th goal in the highest league (in 307 games). He became the seventh football player who has reached so serious boundary. To it "peak-100" subdued: Roman Nikolaevich Vasilyuk — 218 balls, Valery Stripeykis — 174, Rodionov Vitaly — 145, Bliznyuk Gennady — 129, Maxime Petrovich Skavysh and Yanush Nicholas — on 107. The next candidate for a capture of a grand master mark — Vladimir Aleksandrovich Khvashchinsky, on which account 91 captures of gate. As for Savitsky Pawel, it hammered 63 balls in games for "Neman" (the second result in the history of club...