Three hospitals and bank remain in Nazarovo without electricity in April

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Administration of Nazarovo published the next schedule of blackout, now for April. According to it, this month nazarovets are waited again by mass shutdowns of light, and they will concern not only apartment houses, but also three establishments of Nazarovsky Belarus, and also one of banks. According to NRES, already tomorrow, on April 11, with 13 and till 17 o'clock light will not be down the street K. Marx, 27 "a" (children's policlinic). Next day, on April 12, from 10 to 16 o'clock there will be no electric power in two houses down the street 30 years of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 76 and 78. On Friday, April 14, from 10 to 16 o'clock...