In "FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT" confirmed that Maria Dobrova addressed in hospital after the conflict to Nabiulin Artem

Show original Gitina Helena, the member of presidium of "FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT" and the director of Federation of freestyle in Saint Petersburg, declared in interview to online newspaper "" that she knows about stay Maria Dobrova, the silver prize-winner of the Cup Europe on ski cross, in hospital to Sochi. Earlier it was reported that 23-year-old Maria Dobrova took to hospital with a strong bruise of a nose bridge. It Nabiulin Artem, the champion allegedly beat Russian Federation 2021 on ski cross and the winner of University games-2019 on freestyle. In March, 2023 he was disqualified for a year for violation of anti-doping rules. By words Gitina Helena, Maria Dobrova and Nabiulin Artem...