Mass media: Roman Kostomarov asks from hospitals home
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According to the doctor, Roman Kostomarov can be put artificial limbs in three months. Roman Kostomarov today, latest news on April 3, 2023: the figure skater to ask home from hospitals – mass media Roman Kostomarov, appeared in hospital on January 10 with heavy pneumonia, and then the transferred sepsis, a necrosis, amputation and two strokes, is now in a stable state. Nevertheless, while the athlete is in reanimation. The latest news about a state of health Roman Kostomarov is transferred by information agency "ITAR-TASS". With reference to the informed source agency notes that the figure skater already has no temperature, and more it does not need...
Roman Kostomarov
Main activity:Athlete
Ternovoy Konstantin
Zhito Aleksey
Novitsky Sergei