DNA Russian Federation: the delegation of NGLU headed by the rector took part in district scientific and methodical conference on questions of discussion of the new course "Bases of the Russian Statehood"

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The business program passed in Nizhny Novgorod, on a platform of NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU, on March 27-28, 2023 with support of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION and "ROSSIYSKOYE ASSOCIATION "ZNANIYE", having united over 130 representatives of profile scientific and pedagogical community from 12 regions Russian Federation. The purpose of the project consisted in ensuring substantial study of architecture the course "Bases of the Russian Statehood" in a contour of a being transformed role of historical science in an actual geopolitical landscape. The saturated two-day discussion covering a ruler...