To them there not place: 8 things in a bedroom which deprive of us a dream

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It is now difficult to meet the person who ever in the life had no problems with a dream. And the attention to this process sharply grew in recent years — it is studied somnologi, by psychologists, neurobiologists. Korneeva Anastasiya Psychologist of the Side online platform. The Russian Federation the Personal site — as a result of comprehensive study of mechanisms of a dream was developed the whole group of techniques — hygiene of a dream. And everything enters this concept actually that can affect its quality and duration. And if, for example, about influence of caffeine on work of a brain and importance of observance of a mode of a dream it is told already much, on point...
Roman Buzunov
Last position: The sleep doctor, professorkafedra of family medicine with courses of clinical laboratory diagnostics, psychiatry and psychotherapy (FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION DPO "TSGMA")
Voloshina Jeanne
Korneeva Anastasiya