More than 1300 students chose work at Fair of vacancies in PGU

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Traditional Fair of vacancies for students of final years of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "PGU", PENZENSKY STATE UNIVERSITY, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "PENZENSKY STATE UNIVERSITY" took place in higher education institution on Thursday, March 23. On a platform of the educational case No. 8 actual offers of work presented 97 enterprises Penza Region and some other regions. It enterprises of the industry and OPK, IT sector, legal and economic directions and many others. Fair of vacancies is carried out to PGU annually. This year it took place for the 20th time. For three hour of work fair was visited by more than 2500 students. "University has to not only give good education, but also help...