A hard lot Alexander Alekseevich Trofimov, played cardinal Richelieu in "D'Artagnan and three musketeers"

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Magazine "StarHit": Cerebral hemorrhage, disappearance from cinema and the unknown wife of "cardinal Richelieu" Alexander Alekseevich Trofimov Now the glory of once known actor Alexander Alekseevich Trofimov grew dim a little, however his role in an image of the cardinal Richelieu still is still stored in the cult movie "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers" in a fit of temper a great number of the Russian TV viewers. But It should be noted that despite such impressive career and known projects, life of the actor it developed hard, and the way to popularity was long and difficult. Alexander Alekseevich Trofimov was the native of a simple working family. At the age of 12 years it...