In Smolensk there will take place fair of vacancies for the defensive enterprises

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Residents of Smolensk will be able to make the contribution to defense capability of the country the Center of employment of the population will carry out fair of vacancies for the enterprises of defense industry complex of Smolensk and Smolensk district. Citizens will be able to settle on productions, making a contribution to defense capability of the country. Action will take place to the address Smolensk, Shevchenko St., 87, TO SOGK "Employment center goroda of the Smolensk city" on March 17 at 10:00. On it there will be following enterprises: LLC research and production enterprise "Gran"; JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SMAZ"; JSC "Smolensky factory radiodetaley"; JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SMOLENSK CITY FACTORY "NASHE"; Joint stock company...