To residents of Anapa on a note: how to be protected from stings of pincers

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Photo: open sources On Russian Federation monitoring on tick-borne encephalitis and other infections, being transferred these insects was carried out. The medical organizations already registered 73 cases of stings. Cases of tick-borne encephalitis it is not revealed yet. In Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare remind that the most effective way of protection against this disease is the inoculation. The manager of office of preventive inoculations of STATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "TSMP DZM" Gribanovskaya Galina told that it is possible to pass vaccination in the medical organizations for a residence for the compulsory health insurance policy. For...
Mikhail Lebedev
Last position: Leading expert (Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora)
Gribanovskaya Galina
Smelaya Anastasia