Mass media were reported about death of the billionaire by Grishin Sergei

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Baza: the billionaire Grishin Sergei the Billionaire Grishin Sergei, hospitalized died about a month ago, died on March 6, reported Telegram to Baza. By data from open sources, he was 56 years old. Grishin Sergei — the former co-owner "JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "ROSEVROBANK"". However glorified it not so much a position, how many scandalous recognition to President of the United States in 2018. The businessman asked for the American leader of that time Donald Trump nationality, having explained that thanks to own roguish scheme stole to Russian Federation and Estonia a lot of money and "brought a financial system Russian Federation to collapse in the 90th years". Also...