Avito Holding AB declared appointment to a CFO Piven Sergei Aleksandrovich Pivnya

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Piven Sergei Aleksandrovich the Biography Was born in Novosibirsk, graduated from translation faculty of Minsk state linguistic university as "The translator from English, German and Italian languages". In 1999 received MBA degree at the international school businesses INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France). From 1999 to 2005 Piven Sergei Aleksandrovich was engaged in finance and management in the European headquarters of Ford Motor Co. Motor Co. in Cologne. From 2010 to 2015 took positions of the director on strategic planning Consortium "Alfa-Grupp", directors of investments Company A1...
Vladimir Pravdivy
Main activity:Official
Piven Sergei Aleksandrovich
X5 Group
Main activity:Retail trade
Main activity:Transport
Main activity:Science and education
Consortium "Alfa-Grupp"
Main activity:Finance