Internet mass-media on March 6. "Chempionat.Com". History of the highest volleyball player Russian Federation Zabolotnikov Georgy

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In interview to "Championship" Zabolotnikov Georgy called the best league in the world and expressed possible participation combined Russian Federation at the Olympic Games After the 14th place in the Superleague (from 14 possible) in a season-2020/2021 volleyball players of "Belogorie" rise from ashes: last season finished in top-6, and today go the fifth in a regulyarka. On the way selecting points at leaders — Moscow "Dynamo" and Petersburg "Zenith". Strategy Belgorod looks more than perspective: in a basis ambitious pupils. Among them and the main giant of league under 2,20 — the blocking Zabolotnikov Georgy with 166 points in attack and on the block. And it...