To Hungary declared that the question of reception Finland and Sweden in NATO is not solved yet

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The speaker of Parliament of Republic Hungary Laslo Kever declared that the question of occurrence Finland and Sweden in structure of NATO is not solved yet. Before vote will be taken, delegates from ruling Hungary parties 7 and 8 of March will visit Gossobraniye and Stockholm. The purpose - to discuss disputed issues with colleagues from two countries. Laslo Kever noted that deputies are dissatisfied with attacks of representatives Finland and Sweden from a tribune EU to Hungary. Those, according to the speaker of parliament, unreasonably accuse the country of violation of norms of democracy and the principle of the rule of law. - They have no right to express about...
Victor Orban
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Hungary)
Laslo Kyover
Last position: Chairman (National assembly of Hungary)
Katalin Eve Vereshne-Novak
Last position: President (Prezident of Hungary)