The actor Aleksey Panin, got over to Spain, was disappointed in Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin

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The odious actor Aleksey Panin declared that was disappointed in Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin. Gone to Spain the actor who reminds from time to time of itself criticism to the former colleagues or scandalous statements about Russian Federation, admitted interview that Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin disappointed him. In conversation with Alesya Batsman on air on video hosting services "YouTube" Aleksey Panin declared that thought better about the actor. Some time ago they very closely communicated, and by words Aleksey Panin, he respected Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin as talented screenwriter. But then ways of colleagues and companions dispersed. About actor's career Aleksey Panin it is audible nothing with 2005...
Aleksey Panin
Last position: Actor
Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin
Last position: Actor, film director, producer
Alesya Batsman
Last position: Leader of own YouTube channel "Alesya Batsman"
Mironov Eugenie