The savior of "Doctor Zhivago"] die

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The Italian journalist thanks to whom the manuscript of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" Pasternak Boris got on the West, died on the 101st year of life. The l'Adige newspaper reported about it. The edition reminds that Sergio D'Angelo arrived to the USSR in the 1956th. Then the publisher and the figure of Italian communist party Dzhandzhakomo Feltrinelli appealed to him – to find books of the Soviet authors which could cause interest abroad. Listening by radio to foreign "voices", D'Angelo learned about end by Pasternak Boris works on the new novel and, having arrived to it to Peredelkino, asked the writer...
Pasternak Boris
Political ideology:Коммунизм, марксизм-ленинизм, анти-ревизионизм, евроскептицизм