In Saint Petersburg the interdepartmental meeting of employees of UIS and police] took plac

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In Saint Petersburg passed joint meeting of employees of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region and Leningrad Region and district police officers concerning the control organization the faces consisting on the account in criminal and executive inspections and serving sentence in the corrective centers and sites, functioning as the corrective centers. UFSIN Posadsky Vladimir, the chief of managements the organizations of work of district police officers of the acting the deputy chief of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region and Leningrad Region Natalia Sibireva, the chief of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA and...