The premiere of a trailer of second "Kidney" with Lyubov Novikov] took plac

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The photo is provided by Company March 8 Kustova Natalia comes back to KION – and now she looks for 70 kidneys. There was a trailer of the second season of the adventurous comedy "Kidney", one of the most discussed projects of last year. In the center of second "Kidney" there is Kustova Natalia performed by Lyubov Novikov. The creative team did not change: for direction Maria Shulgina, and is responsible for the scenario — Maria Shulgina and Tikhonova Elizabeth, a shouranner of series – Avdotya Smirnov. Second "Kidney" leaves exclusively at KION online movie theater already on March 8. The trailer is available on ssylke To Croatia...