On the basis of Ilizarov's Center completed the hospital course AOSpine first in this year

@Tsentr Ilizarova
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On February 24 the hospital course AOSpine first in this year took place. Chairmen of action: k.m.n. head of Clinics pathologies of a backbone and rare diseases of the Center of Ilizarov Yevsyukov Aleksey and MD Sergei Ryabykh. The educational webinar was devoted to degenerate changes in cervical department of a backbone and a miyelopatiya. Ilizarov's center carries the status of the reference center AOSpine to Russian Federation. Expert opinion on the problems designated in a key subject of a webinar, presented in the reports: director of NMITs of a name of the academician Ilizarov G. A. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, MD Burtsev Alexander...