Chapter Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Aysen Nikolaev: "Today we remember everyone who at responsible o'clock rose in defense of the Homeland"

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On February 23, on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, Chapter Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Aysen Nikolaev took part in the solemn flower-laying devoted to the 80 anniversary from the date of heroic battle on the Lake Ilmen in days of the Great Patriotic War. "80 years ago, in 1943, approach of the 19th separate ski crew which task was to seize the southern coast of the Lake Ilmen began. In crew there were more than 2 thousand soldiers, among them - more than 600 residents of Yakutsk. This day became history as day when sons of our republic set an example of selfless fidelity of the Homeland, to the people. And today residents of Yakutsk again got up on...