Residents of Yekaterinburg will be able to get rid of an urine incontience, having made procedure according to the compulsory health insurance policy

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In a day hospital of policlinics No. 2 TsGKB No. 3 introduced a technique vnutripuzyrny introduction botulotoksina. Inhabitants Yekaterinburg, having made one procedure according to the compulsory health insurance policy, will be able to solve a delicate problem — an incontience of urine and symptoms of frequent desires of an urination. In a day hospital of policlinics No. 2 TsGKB No. 3 introduced a technique vnutripuzyrny introduction botulotoksina. The last is carried out in out-patient conditions under local anesthesia. Botulotoksin blocks a signal transmission from a nervous cage to a muscle. Blocking of transfer causes a long and resistant relaxation of a muscle which gradually passes...