The number of victims of an avalanche increased in Tajikistan to 18

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Saving department of the country warned citizens about possible avalanches in the next three days Dushanbe, on February 17. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Rescuers found a body of one more lost as a result of an avalanche in Tajikistan, total number of victims reached 18. About it on Friday of information agency "ITAR-TASS" reported in the press center of Committee on emergency situations and civil defense at the government of Tajikistan ". The body of one girl for whom searched after an avalanche, is found under snow in Khorog GBAO (Autonomous Province of Gorno-Badakhshan - a comment of information agency "ITAR-TASS") the republics", - the interlocutor of agencies told, having specified that it is one...