In Voronezh on the 80th year of life professor of academy of arts Dundukov Aleksey Konstantinovich] die

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Photo: culturavrn B Voronezh on the 80th year of life died the known theatrical teacher, professor VORONEZHSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF ART Dundukov Aleksey Konstantinovich. Dundukov Aleksey Konstantinovich was born in Saratov, graduated from director's faculty of Theatrical schools B. V. Schukin's name in Moscow. After obtaining the diploma it invited in VORONEZHSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF ART. There the N also worked more than 50 years. At Dundukov Aleksey Konstantinovich honored artists Russian Federation Shcherbachenko Youri, Vorotnikova Ludmila, the native nephew Berggolts Olga Fedor Yanchin, the rector Yaroslavskogo theatrical institutes Sergei Filippovich Kutsenko, the manager of chair studied...