The open classroom on symphonic conducting in Academy was headed by Felix Pavlovich Korobov

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In Academy of choral art of a name of V. S. Popov representation and an open lesson of the National actor Russian Federation Felix Pavlovich Korobov took place, invited to conduct symphonic conducting. "It is glad that the tradition of teaching of an open classroom on symphonic conducting in Academy will be carried on by one of the most authoritative and demanded conductors, having own technique of teaching, Felix Pavlovich Korobov whom we invited to a position of professor, – the rector Solovyev Alexander emphasized. – It is sure that knowledge and experience of the master will be useful to pupils of our Academy". Chief conductor of MAMT of a name...
Valery Popov
Last position: Head of the department of wooden wind and percussion instruments (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
Felix Pavlovich Korobov
Last position: Chief conductor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "MAMT")
Solovyev Alexander
Korobov F.
Shepeleva Alena