At Start production association passed competition professional skill

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At Start production association passed traditional competition professional skill by WorldSkills technique. Following the results of competitions prize-winning places were distributed as follows. In competence "Welding Technologies" for a victory two participants fought. 1 place was taken by Kiselev Sergei (shop No. 13), deserved silver Burlakov Konstantin received (shop No. 48). In competence "Design Engineer (Engineering Design of CAD)" all pedestal was occupied by specialists of service of the chief technologist: 1 place - Gunin Kirill; The 2nd place - Karyagin Dimitri; The 3rd place - Lyusina Victoria. In competence "Works on the turning...
Wladyslaw Artemov
Last position: Poet, prose writer, publicist
Kiselev Sergei
Burlakov Konstantin
Gunin Kirill
Karyagin Dimitri