More than 4000 patients of STATE ENTERPRISE NO. 12 underwent necessary rehabilitation after a stroke in 2022

@Tjumenskaja oblast'
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In GAUZ THAT "CITY OUTPATIENT CLINIC NO. 12" on the basis of a day hospital and office of medical rehabilitation for 2022 of all there passed treatment more than four thousand patients. About 200 of them underwent rehabilitation after the had ischemic stroke. "Rehabilitation therapy of the patients who have had an ischemic stroke, is directed on restoration of the broken motive and speech functions, a psychological and social readaptation of the patient, prevention of postinsultny complications" — Fakhretdinov Vitaly , the manager of a day hospital and office of the medical tells...
Alexandra Malygina
Last position: Deputy director, head of department of information and analytical activity (DEPARTMENT INFORMATSIONNOY I VNUTRENNEY POLITIKI OF THE KURGAN REGION)
Fakhretdinov Vitaly
City outpatient clinic No. 12