Patsap Olga

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Patsap Olga , k.m.n. manager of pathoanatomical office of FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "FTSMN" FMBA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, s.n.s. pathoanatomical office No. 1 FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NMITS AGP NAMED AFTER V. I. KULAKOVA" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, N of page of NORTs "Molecular Morphology" of FGAOU IN RUDN, ROSSIYSKIY UNIVERSITY FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLE, FGAOU IN RUDN, FGAOU IN "ROSSIYSKY UNIVERSITY DRUZHBY NARODOV", the teacher expert Mezhdunarodnoy of schools cytology / Medical schools innovations, the chairman of editorial council of the scientific reviewed magazine "Laboratory and clinical medicine. The pharmacy", the member of ROP, ROOP, AKTsR, ESP headed profile Committee on clinical cytology of Association ASSOCIATION "FLM" Association "Federation...