Among applicants for a chair of the mayor of Tynda there was a woman

@Port Amur
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In the list of applicants for a position of the mayor of Tynda there was the first woman. As reports portal, documents in electoral commission of the capital of BAM accepted from Galina Koval. "It is known that Galina Koval works as the supply manager of the Center of children's creativity of Tynda. More than once participated in elections of the mayor" — notes the edition. Let's remind, earlier kandidaturyvydvinuli Novak Youri, Gulyaev Sergei Tomenko Igor and Zheleznyakov Yvan. Promotion of candidates will last inclusive till February 11. Early elections of the mayor will take place in Tynda on April 9. Photo: archive, @mikhaylova_tynda Information is intended for persons is more senior than 18 years. Smoking...