Meeting of public council took place at Administration Ilishevo district Republic of Bashkortostan

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On February 1, 2023 in administration of the area took place the next meeting of public council at Administration Ilishevo district Republic of Bashkortostan. On meeting of Council Mingazov Zimfira, the head of the rural settlement the Yarkeevsky Village Council Sharipov Ranis, the deputy chief physician of Verkhneyarkeevsky TsRB Nurieva Gulnaz and the inspector of PDN Karshieva Elvina acted the chairman of public council Garifullin Favis, the specialist of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA. During meeting the plan of work of public council for 2023 was approved, questions of organization of events are discussed...
Nurieva Gulnaz
Mingazov Zimfira
Karshieva Elvina
Sharipov Ranis
Garifullin Favis