Spending 138 million rubles a year the man opened a youth secret

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The programmer Brian Johnson spent a multimillion state for the appearance and opened a youth secret. He shared the relevant information with the edition of Yezhednevnaya gazeta The Daily Mirror. So, the 45-year-old hero materials told that gathered a team from 30 doctors who watch over his health. The man admitted that, wishing to delay an old age, he spends every year not less than two million dollars (138 million rubles) for researches of the organism and maintenance of young-looking appearance. By words Brian Johnson, he daily gets up in five mornings, plays sports within an hour and observes the vegetarian...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Brian Johnson
Vdovin Alexander