Meta * excluded "Azov" ** from the list of the dangerous organizations

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Meta corporation * (it is recognized to Russian Federation extremist, owns forbidden in Russian Federation social networks of Facebook (zapreshchena v RF) and website "Instagram") excluded military formation "Azov" ** (it is recognized to Russian Federation as the terrorist organization) from the list of the dangerous organizations and persons. newspaper "The Washington Post" . According to Meta *, now a regiment "Azov" ** separated from the nationalist movement of the same name. "The last change excluded a regiment "Azov" **, the Ukrainian far right military group, from the list of dangerous persons and the organizations, made by corporation. It will allow members the shelf "Azov" *...
Andrey Biletsky
Last position: Commander of the regiment "Azov" (National guard of Ukraine)
Политическая партия «Национальный корпус»
Political ideology:Украинский национализм Ультраправые Экономический национализм Протекционизм Евроскептицизм