In Tajikistan courses on game on a harp] will for the first time ope

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Source: For the first time in the history of independence Tajikistan in the country start training courses on a harp. The press service reports the Tajik state academic theaters about it the opera and the ballet of a name of Sadriddin Ayni. Training starts in 2023/24 academic year together with opening of a new class "Arfovy music" with support of National conservatory of a name of Talabkhudzha Sattorov. "Modern realities are that that theater assumes new, not absolutely habitual obligations and is integrated into educational process. It is pleasant that for years of independence the government and personally Emomalii...
Emomali Rakhmonov (Emomali Rakhmon)
Last position: President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Babochkina Catherina