Eugenie Alekseevich Stychkin told, whether he is ready to go completely to direction

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Sadkova Helena Moscow, on January 20 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". In new series "Fandorin. Azazel" Eugenie Alekseevich Stychkin played the prime minister Orlov Dimitri. Meanwhile on TV channel "Pervy kanal" passed the series "Zero Patient" shot by it, and a director's debut Eugenie Alekseevich Stychkin – series "Contact" – will be prolonged for the second season. – the actor or the director – Eugenie Alekseevich Stychkin answered the question of the one whom more comfortably to feel so: "I, perhaps, even in the course of understanding: whether director I? While I want to be the actor because it is more cheerful and simpler more. Simply I understand that as the director I can do one picture in a year, that myself not...