Each time everything is more difficult: Chapter European Council recognized difficulty of adoption of sanctions against Russian Federation

@Telekanal "Tsar'grad"
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Sharl Iv Zhan Gizlen Michelle, chapter European Council, during the visit to Kiev recognized that each time it becomes more difficult to accept sanctions against Russian Federation to Europe everything. Sharl Iv Zhan Gizlen Michelle, chapter European Council, recognized that to Europe everything becomes more difficult to accept sanctions against Russian Federation. His statement transfers agency information agency "Bloomberg" ". Each discussion according to sanctions is much more difficult, than previous", - Sharl Iv Zhan Gizlen Michelle complained during the visit to Kiev. But chapter European Council hastened to add that the difficulties, new rounds of consideration of sanctions against Russian Federation will proceed. Let's remind, Ursula Gertrude fon der Lyayen, acting in Davos...