Andritz will establish the line for productions sulfuric acid at cellulose combine of Suzano to Brazil

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Andritz secured order Suzano Papel e Celulose on delivery a set of the equipment for production by the concentrated chamois of acid of commodity quality from collateral production streams, Andritz press service reports. The SulfoLoop installation will mount on a platform of new cellulose plant which is under construction in the Brazilian municipality of Ribas-du-Riu-Pardu (piece to Grosu Matu - du-Cul). Combine input in operation is expected in the second half of 2024. SulfoLoop power — 153 t of commodity sulfuric acid per day. Andritz AG — the Austrian machine-building concern, develops and makes the equipment for...
Grosu Matu
Andritz AG
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing