Sergei Garmash and Ludmila Porgina came to say goodbye to Inna Churikova

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Shablinskaya Olga the Plot Died the national actress of the USSR Inna Churikova Moscow, on January 17 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". In Moscow in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there took place a ceremony of farewell to the national actress of the USSR Inna Churikova. Actors Sergei Garmash, Ludmila Porgina (it, as well as her late spouse Nicholas Petrovich Karachentsov, tens years served together with Inna Churikova at STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "OF THE MOSCOW CITY STATE THEATER "LENKOM MARKA ZAKHAROVA"), Leah Akhedzhakova, Mikhail Gorevoy, the director Alexander Adabashyan (together with Inna Churikova he acted in "Burnt by the Sun" Nikita Mikhalkov), the director Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova Kirill Krok, the actor Andrey Alekseevich Sokolov...