Andrey Dobrov called the purpose the untwisted Kiev church split in Ukraine

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Operating in Ukraine the Kiev mode untwists church split with the purpose to separate the people and to make it compliant the western ideology. In new release" Andrey Dobrov on air" expressed such opinion the TV host Andrey Dobrov. He noted that in last times Ukraine was exposed more than once to attempts from the outside to catholicize it. According to him, the new official ideology of the West is the "neoliberalism", however not all Ukrainians are ready to live with "tolerastami". Andrey Dobrov considers that Kiev uses church split for people dissociation to deprive of it God, confidence and firmness. "That remains from...
Andrey Dobrov
Last position: Author and host "Dobrov on air" (LLC "Aktsept" (Television canal WREN OF TV))