President of Federal Republic Brazil Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva entered the emergency mode into Brasília

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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President of Federal Republic Brazil Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva declared introduction of a mode emergency situations in the capital federal district Brasília. The statement is made against proceeding fierce protests of supporters of his rival on presidential election Zhair Messias Bolsonaru. The emergency mode will work till January 31, 2023. For establishing order involve army divisions and law enforcement agencies. In the speech Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva also promised to find those who "finances" terrorism to Brazil and to punish them "on all severity of the law". "They will understand that the democracy guarantees the right for a freedom of speech, but...
Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva
Last position: Elected president of Brazil (President of Federal Republic Brazil)
Zhair Messias Bolsonaru
Main activity:Politician
Arthur Sesar Pereyra de Lira (Arthur Lira)
Last position: Chairman (Republic Chamber of Deputies Brazil)
Либеральная партия
Political ideology:Либеральная партия-это большая консервативная партия. Либеральную партию называют правоцентристской или праворадикальной.