The presidential academy trained more than 530 thousand experts in the field of digital transformation

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Soderzhaniyeistoriya 2022 Training more than 530 thousand experts in the field of digital transformation Start of an educational program "The head of digital transformation" 2020: 2000 Russian civil servants will develop projects of digital transformation and will protect them until the end of the year in THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII" 2019 V the Center of training of heads of digital transformation 13 490 officials Creation of the Center of training of heads of digital transformation (CDTO) the Highest school the state managements (VShGU) is created in as the first institute the Academies which main objective is ensuring preparation...