Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: attempts to push aside Russian Federation from Near East are doomed to a failure

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Attempts to push aside Russian Federation from Near East will not be crowned with success, the special representative declared Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on Middle Eastern settlement Vladimir Karpovich Safronkov. "Any attempts to push aside Russian Federation from the region … to switch off from process of the solution of the Palestinian-Israeli or any other Middle Eastern crisis represent a political nonsense and are doomed to a failure" — quotes it Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". As reported information agency "REGNUM", earlier the observer Amerikanskoye izdaniye The National Interest and the veteran of the American investigation Paul R. Pillar noted that United States of America for expansion of the influence in Near East it is necessary to learn at Russian Federation...
Paul R. Pillar
Last position: The director of a postgraduate study, the teacher of the Program of researches in the field of safety (MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ADM. G. I. OF THE NEVEL CITY)
Vladimir Karpovich Safronkov
Last position: The special representative on Middle Eastern settlement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Shilov Yvan