Gas cost in Europe fell almost to 50% for December, 2022

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The gas price in Europe in December, 2022 decreased by 48% in comparison with indicators of November, having made about $845 for one thousand cubic meter. About it reports information agency "ITAR-TASS", referring to data of the London IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. and the calculations. If on November 30 futures for gas finished auctions on a mark about $1558 for 1 thousand CBM, on December 30 auctions were closed at the level of $845 that is 48% lower in comparison with an indicator for the end of the last month, noted in the publication. By data information agency "ITAR-TASS", average gas price in November was at the level of $1262 for one thousand cubic meter, and in December – $1272. Average values did not change almost because of...
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